Shepparton Alcoholics Anonymous

Help if you want to stop drinking.

If you are looking for help with a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous is available in and near Shepparton.

 (03) 5831 5532 or 1300 222 222

Weekly AA Meetings in Shepparton

Sunday 5:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Sunday 16th February 5:00pm
    • 11th Step Meditation
    • Beginners
    • Meditation
    • Open
    • Spiritual Concept
    • Step Meeting
    As this is a Step 11 meeting, it will focus on deepening the spirtual connection with a Higher Power.

    The format will include prayer, meditation, AA literature reading and sharing.

    Anne 0417899314
    Phone the group
  • Attend in person
    Tatura Uniting Church (Olive and Vine)

    115 Hogan St, Tatura VIC

    Please use back entrance off Douglas Street. (You turn off Hogan Street onto Park Street, and then take the first right onto Douglas Street).

    Plenty of parking available.

    Directions to the meeting

Sunday 7:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    Elsie Jones Education Centre

    2/2-48 Graham St, Shepparton VIC

    Please use the Monash St entrance

    Directions to the meeting
  • Join via Zoom

    Meeting ID: 814 2346 9226 Passcode: Sober1

    Join via Zoom

Monday 7:00pm AEDT

Tuesday 6:00pm AEDT

Wednesday 6:00pm AEDT

Wednesday 8:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Wednesday 19th February 8:00pm
    Mooroopna Group

    Jenni 0411 055 900
    Justin 0478 149 396

Thursday 8:00pm AEDT

  • Next meeting Thursday 6th March 8:00pm
    Monthly Meeting: 1st Thursday of the month
    Motorcycle Group
    Shepparton contacts: Ron 0428 855 027 Gary 0418177228
    First Thursday of each month or contact 0428 855 027 or 0418 177 228 to ride to any meeting on any day when visiting this area.
    Chapter Six AA Motorcycle Group
    Phone the group

Friday Noon AEDT

Friday 8:00pm AEDT

  • Attend in person
    North Shepparton Community & Education Centre

    10/14 Parkside Dr, Shepparton VIC

    Continuation of Brauman St

    Directions to the meeting

Saturday 9:00am AEDT

Saturday 8:00pm AEDT